Lumps under the eyes caused by filler injections

In cases where there lumps under the eyes from incompletely dissolved fillers. This can fix by injecting the filler under the eyes. The doctor will inject the enzyme hyaluronidase into the area. Where the filler needs to be dissolved. This will help the lumps under the eyes shrink, and the results can seen immediately. Injecting the filler under the eyes requires the same caution as injecting the filler to fill it up. Because if injected in excessive amounts, the enzyme hyaluronidase can damage the skin layer. Therefore, it is recommend to receive treatment from expert doctor. Also, the filler can only be dissolved completely if the filler remaining in the skin layer is genuine. In cases where the lumps under the eyes from using liquid silicone or fake fillers. Surgery or scraping is required because it cannot be treated with filler injections.
Lumps under the eyes caused by bags under the eyes
The lumps under the eyes cause by bags under the eyes. They can remove byLiposuction to remove bags under the eyesThe wound is inside the lower eyelid. visible scar on the outside. There is little swelling or bruising. There no need to stitch สมัคร ufabet or remove stitches. The results are visible immediately after the procedure. It helps eliminate factors that make the face look worn out. Or you can use lifting and tightening technology. Thermage Eye Reju That will help reduce the problem of bags under the eyes without surgery.
How to prevent it from happening Lumps under the eyes
Preventing lumps under the eyes caused by filler injections can prevente by choosing to have the procedure performed by a reliable and experienced doctor to prevent errors such as injecting into the wrong layer of skin, injecting an inappropriate amount. Being assured that the filler used is genuine because over time. Genuine filler will naturally dissolve on its own and will not form lumps.
In the case of bags under the eyes. That are a result of our lifestyle, such as lack of rest or accumulated stress Rubbing eyes Severe cases can prevente and easily relieved by yourself by changing your behavior, including applying cold compresses to reduce swelling or applying eye cream.